Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Plane

              Well yet I had another ground lesson, I think we was suppose to start flying but another instructor had the plane all day, So we studied the pilots guide book, mostly just the limitations of the PA-28 Cherokee plane, the plane I am going to be mostly flying for my lessons. I am going to learn on the Cessna, due to it being a high wing aircraft and the Cherokee is a low wing, I would like to learn with both high and low wing aircrafts just to see if there is any difference between them. If the weather is good I will start flying next lesson.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winging It

             Well I have the feeling that my instructor is just winging it. I didn’t fly today but it was ok I guess. I wanted to know the basic cockpit components. And we started to learn the different gages and what they do and that was what I wanted to know. We started to talk about the engine. I am not for sure how I should take what I learned today on engines. I don’t have a book on the airplane motor. I guess it would be good to know the basics. I am going to have another lesson this next weekend, I am going to talk to him about a lesson plan or something so that I am prepared and know what I need to study for the next lesson.